Thursday, August 25, 2005

A day with Friends (Aug 14)

Still at doze from a not so fun chat with my beau, I compelled my eyes then gaped on the lights. 10AM our call time at Robinsons Galleria.

A family Day with the Padua’s and Divinagracia Sisters, I brought my youngest bro along to watch Charlie and the Cholocate factory.

Boy, loved to have a bite on one of those wonka bars too…hehehe

Also had fun at Dreamscape. Though the rides were really meant for “kids”, the roller coaster ride made grown ups like Me and Lady, to had a so-so fun too. Though not as fun as that rides of Enchanted Kingdom and Star City.

After the glee brought by the loot bags, movie and rides, we call the day off by taking few stroll on boutiques. Oh my, girl power over rules the desire of releasing the kikay spirit I have within…hehehe

A few more store and Charan!!!…..I rewarded myself of this pair of chic earrings.

Lady also had hers and boy, she loved it. Not a certifide kikay though, but I knew she has that spirit to be one. I just need to push her some more (Sings: “Push it, push it some more…” hehehe) and make her express her inner soul. Need to create a desire to be in vogue.

As the day bids goodnight, I met old highschool buddies Adrian and Chette. We chit and chat, laugh and dine then chit and chat and laugh and dine then chat and laugh and laugh until midnight. Sumakit nga panga ang tyan ko eh. Even cried because of too much laughing…Those 2 were really hilarious.

Boy, had a grand time with them.

We talked of senseless topics ever. Kamustahan galore and reminiscing, the best part was reminiscing our good old days. Hahaha

I loved being with them once again.

Here are some of our pics.

2 notes:

Anonymous said...
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iFred said...

jhan, nice to see you again even in pics...