Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Few things I realized about life, about people around me...about myself.

1. My blog is growing spiders web already.
--> Fact. I admit, i am too damn lazy to lift a finger to type down thoughts from my nutshell. I dunno. I have all the time to do this. I have so much free time (actually not free by I can use my office hours doing A-O-Nothing :P). But then again, I chose not to update it. Simply because, I AM LAZY!

2. People really come into your life for:
--> 1. A reason
2. A season
3. A lifetime
ern...let me leave it that way and not expound it anymore. Again, I'm Lazy. :P

3. I am Malambing - NOT!
--> Yes. People who know me can testify about this. I have my own way of showing lambing, affection or whatever you call it is to people I love, people I work with, people I like, my friends, my family and even to my significant one. Up do this date, I still can not identify what my
love language is? If its through:
1. Words of Affirmation
2. Quality Time
3. Receiving Gifts
4. Acts of Service
5. Physical Touch
It seems, I am on a combination or it's one-of, one-of thing for me.

4. I value my family - A LOT!!
--> This is given. Ever since I came to this world, I belived my true purpose is bound for my family. I still have my flaws and shortcomings but Hey, no one is perfect even if you want to be one. Last night, I went on reading mails while uploading some stuff and came across

I realized, I need to make good use of OUR time together.

5. Someone is literally ..... under nourish (*wink). He wants more of this:

Good thing about today is...my blog is finally updated :P

1 notes:

keekai said...

you are malambing :)in your special way! haha